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Intuitive Eating: Harness Your Mind-Body Connection for a Healthier You By Michele Mauer Modern life is busy. The expectation on ourselves to do many, many things and do them well (whoa, that’s another topic for another week!), means that eating is often

What first comes to mind when you hear the term “restorative movement”? Probably yoga, stretching, or you might think of exercises your physiotherapist gives you to recover from injury.Clinical Somatics (a.k.a. Hanna Somatics) is a restorative movement practice that is

by Guest Author Jennifer Lloyd, RHN CHHC Self care is more talked about than ever. In these COVID times, it seems like it’s never been more important to put self care at the top of your list. But maybe your trips

by Guest Author, Jennifer Kolbuc Even before we were hit with a global pandemic, balancing time as a working mom was never easy. If you’re a small business owner with no clear boundaries between work and home (and maybe limited or


We at LaVigne, are empowered to continue to innovate and provide natural choices that support a healthy lifestyle.