  /  Self Care   /  SIMPLE. CLEAN. BEAUTY from the inside, out!

Beauty comes from within. We know this. Beauty is a frame of mind, an attitude, an elegance

that simply shines out and for that very reason, we are deeply attracted to it.

Beautiful skin starts from the inside and what you use topically, should enhance that. Here are

some of my favourite tips for beautiful skin!


Eating for Beautiful Ageless Skin


My top tips:


  • Keep it simple
  • Eat to boost elastin
  • Eat to boost collagen
  • Eat to manage oxidization


Eat an abundance of WHOLE ORGANIC FOODS: Fruits and vegetables EVERY single day!

They are Fiber filled which helps with hormone balance and detox for clear and calm skin.


Antioxidants help your body by defending damage caused by free radicals and decreasing

oxidization caused from stress and helping boost ELASTIN.

If you aren’t sure how much you eat, write down a few days this week to really track your fresh

foods. Fresh smoothies and veggie soups, count!


Hydrate: Drink at least 1 litre of water, herbal teas or green teas, every day to move toxins and

keep those cells hydrated. We are like plants, if you don’t water yourself, you wilt and so does

your skin. Does your skin resemble a raisin or a grape?


EAT Omega rich foods: fatty fish, chia, walnuts, flax. These leave your skin firm and supple with

a healthy glow. Our skin loves healthy fats!


Collagen Rich Foods: Bone broth, chicken, fish, eggs. If vegetarian, these support the synthesis

of collagen: citrus foods, leafy greens, garlic, cashews and beans.


Keep sugar to a minimum: Sugar destroys collagen. Collagen is skin’s beauty protein for

youthful and beautiful skin. Boost collagen with bone broth or if Vegan, use my favourite

supplement, Biosil.


Exercise daily: keep your natural glow by sweating and sloughing away dead skin cells to allow

the new and regenerated cells to glow their way to the surface.


My personal GO-TO Vitamins to feed and look after my skin: Biosil, Spirulina, Astaxanthin,

Vitamin C (I use 6,000 mg daily), and Lipoic acid.


Click here to purchase vitamins to be shipped-to-you. You’ll find the trusted, professional, certified, Canadian vitamins brands that I use myself.


Skin Care Products and Daily Routine

Look for skin care products that have active ingredients but will not harm your body.

Chemical irritants and toxins found in much of today’s skin care can even trigger inflammation

that increases skin sensitivity and even accelerate the visible signs of aging.

Choose products that enhance your healthy lifestyle, not make you work harder to unravel the internal damage caused by a ‘dirty’ -toxic filled, skin care line.


I am 54 years young and love products that have ingredients that compliment my well-balanced

Nutrition lifestyle. Choosing healthy skin care is the bonus-with-purchase for the amazing topical benefits, as I age gracefully.


Remember, food is skin medicine too!

In Health and Wellness, Sandra Millward, RHOP Holistic Nutritionist


We at LaVigne, are empowered to continue to innovate and provide natural choices that support a healthy lifestyle.